Tuesday, March 21, 2006


He is like a glass elephant with his tusks torn off, all rattled. That's what happens to you when you live by the track I guess, all those stares creeping over the scoreboard amplified by the flashing lights, eventually you feel like the hooker that got too old and razzled to hook and so she just pretends in the mirror with nothing on but tattered pumps and a swatch.

I didn't save it. I was supposed to, my birth was for one reason. I fucked it all up -- totally.

"Comin to empty the tank" "It's about fucking time, the county inspectors been on my ass, you could smell the yard from the gas station, stronger than the petrol."

Adam just sat in the corner, wearing black and thinking about hair dye. Why couldn't anyone see him. The dog sniffed his crotch, and then licked it's own ass. All he wanted was some fucking attention, some fucking cake for crying out loud.

Adam has been saving his old brine jars for fifteen year. screwing em into his basement ceiling, whole place smells like pickled eggs, ya gotto duck down and still your back scrapes up against them, feels like their pullin your skin off, wont let go.

No one goes down there anyway. "It's your room, your own place to 'hang out' away from the smell of gasoline" Adam heard his fathers voice telling him to get the hell downstairs. It's was only an experiment; he'd done many of them.

If there was an excuse I would understand. Maybe if he was a junkie or popped them pills stayed up all night like that Daniel's boy down on PineLake, or if he spent all his time down at that track. You know what he made in shop class that last time?

Adam tried to get through, provoke some interaction, but nothing. Fear was all they had for him. He didn't save his sister, he didn't wasn't saving the marriage. He was sucking and he couldn't change it. Late at night he listened to the trains rolling along; sometimes he'd watch them, never running along. Many ends crossed his mind, but they were too involved. Adam was a lazy boy and his situation made him immobile.

"Adam, get your fucking ass up here and take out that trash, it smells like shit, find something to eat in there this time, let me have a my dinner without seeing your face for a change. and hose down that waste basket, its got them maggots crawling all over it."

The tasks weren't the problem, they were almost comforting, prideful. Lame at the same time he wanted to be momma's boy and such. Adam thought about where his father might be and wondered why his mother cursed so much these days.

"just about done here, your gonna need yourself a new septic tank soon, that one you got out there just about rusting through now, gonna have a big mess on your hands come thanksgivin. I hope you got some cash around cus I don't take no checks, they stopped cashin them down at Charlies last week."

Adam knew exactly what the conversation meant. He walked upstairs to his room just in time not to hear his mother say "you know I can pay you..."

An Eddie and The Faciliator Joint


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